We're more than insurance
At Ovation Home Insurance Exchange, we’re about more than just insurance – we’re a community of Florida homeowners looking for a better insurance performance.
Members share in the success of the exchange and have a voice through the Subscriber Advisory Committee in how it is managed. Ovation Home Insurance Exchange contracts with an experienced team to oversee the day-to-day operations for the exchange, ensuring everything from policy management to claims handling is conducted with simplicity and efficiency.
Shared Responsibility, Solid Security
Members pay annual premiums and contribute to a surplus fund – a safeguard against future uncertainties, crucial in areas like hurricane-prone Florida. Your premiums going to a collective fund to be used for Member claims. Unused funds grow as a surplus, which may reduce future premiums and ensure the financial stability of the exchange. At Ovation, your contributions work for you.

We prioritize the needs and interests of Florida homeowners. At Ovation, we offer specially tailored coverage options designed to meet the challenges faced by homeowners in the region. With competitive rates and a community-focused approach, our exchange not only offers protection but also invests back into the community, making it a wise and conscientious choice for Florida homeowners.
Ovation vs. Citizens
Citizens currently insures more homeowners than intended. Citizens is aiming to return to a financially solvent entity and be the insurer of last resort. This is being done by legislative changes and by offering a depopulation program wherein private carriers can assume policies. Policies assumed by private carriers, such as Ovation Home Insurance Exchange, will be offered equal or better coverage from a financially stable carrier. This offers peace of mind to anyone selecting a membership with Ovation Home.
Choosing to be insured by Ovation Home Insurance Exchange offers plenty of benefits above and beyond what you may currently be getting from Citizens, including:
Competitively priced premiums
More coverage options & benefits
Deductible choices
Financial stability you can count on
Flood insurance remains your choice
Higher personal property limits
We're here to assist you
Connect with a Reliable Agent
Insurance is complicated. Ovation Home Insurance Exchange has engaged thousands of trusted agents located throughout Florida.
Claim Submission Made Simple
We hope you will never experience a loss, however, if you do, we make it easy for you to file a claim. Our straightforward claim submission process ensures getting your home camera ready again remains our top priority.