Our Products

When performance matters most… Ovation has you covered

If you’re looking for best-in-class homeowners insurance coverage for property you own in Florida, you’ve come to the right place!

Your home is center stage

A homeowners insurance policy provides a safety net for your most valuable asset: your home. In the event of a covered loss due to fire, theft, lightning, hail, natural disasters like hurricanes, liability, or medical payments to others in case someone is injured on your property; we provide peace of mind. In addition, we provide coverage options such as those listed below:

Equipment Breakdown & Service Line Coverage

Equipment breakdown coverage protects appliances in your home from accidental damage not due to normal wear and tear. Service line coverage provides financial protection from damage to underground service lines you're responsible for on your property.

a man putting a laundry basket into a washing machine with a child
a person using a laptop computer holding a credit card

Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft provides protection and resources to help restore your financial identity and credit rating. This coverage pays up to $25,000 for expenses associated with repairing your credit, including attorney fees, lost wages, and more.

Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is especially vital in flood-prone Florida. This coverage includes protection against structural damage, electrical and plumbing systems, and often extends to personal property within the home.

a man in a boat in a flooded street
a person holding a phone with app icons on it

Social Media Expense & Resolution Services

Social media monitoring and remediation/restoration services provide assistance in the event inappropriate or harmful content is posted on a member’s social media account. This service sends alerts to members in real time and may reimburse up to $25,000 for certain expenses.

Save Money on your Premium

Wind mitigation

What is Wind Mitigation?

Capitalize on available discounts with a professional wind mitigation inspection, which can identify certain features designed to enhance the resilience of your home. The inspection will assess areas of your home which may qualify for premium discounts.

roofing contractor on roof

Your Reinforcement Options

Many of these features will fortify and strengthen your home and could possibly provide premium discounts.

  • Roof-to-wall connections

  • Regular maintenance

  • All opening protections

  • Secondary water resistance

  • Gable end bracing

  • Roof vents & soffits

  • Roof shape

  • Roof covering

  • Roof deck attachment

We're here to assist you

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Connect with a Reliable Agent

Insurance is complicated. Ovation Home Insurance Exchange has engaged thousands of trusted agents located throughout Florida.

Submit a claim

Claim Submission Made Simple

We hope you will never experience a loss, however, if you do, we make it easy for you to file a claim. Our straightforward claim submission process ensures getting your home camera ready again remains our top priority.